Monday, October 16, 2017

Do I have to put this everytime?

So this week! Was a week, and it went be wicked fast like always.. Early in the week we had a meeting for all the trainers and the trainees, and it was super uplifting! We talked a lot about how important the basics are. And how essential it is to understand the fundamentals because if not we can't do the bigger stuff. 

After that we did intercambios with the elders in Guadalajara, which is always an interesting time. I was with Elder Santa, and it was really good. He did the baptismal interview for Patricia while he was there and it went super well. She has made so many changes. It has been such a blessing to participate in her progress. We also have seen a ton of progress in Carmen, she has been reading the Book of Mormon a ton lately, and always calls us to set up appointments because she just wants to keep meeting and learning more. 

So we also had transfers this weekend. And nothing changed in our companionship. I'll be staying at least one more in Azuqueca with Elder Carbaugh. Which I'm really excited for! He has learned sooo much this last transfer. And we also had some good changes in the zone that I'm excited for. Elder Waters, who you all probably know as well as I do by now, just got called as the Zone Leader in our zone. So for a second time we'll be serving in the same zone and be able to do intercambios and because everything is so much closer here, we'll be able to spend some Pdays together. And the last piece of exciting news... I got a call from Elder Baron on Saturday who was serving as the Astistant to the president asking me to be the District leader. So I will be responsible for us two in Azuqueca as well as the missionaries in Guadalajara. As nervous as I am, I'm super excited!

That's all sorry this is short but it's what ya get!

Love you all!
Elder Burt 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Week 3

Its absolutely insane how fast the time here has gone by. It seriously feels like last thursday was like 2 days ago! But its great because i love it here a lot BUT OH MY GOSH I cant wait to get out of here!! We do the same stuff all the time and it feels really repetitive. 

BUT i love it so much because i have learned a ton in such a short time! And to all of you who told me i never study..... Guess what...... i study more than all of you now. but thats beside the point.

Im not sure what kind of events to talk about because not a ton happened this week. But I got a new calling! I was the district leader in my district for the first 2 weeks. And on sunday President called me and Elder Tuttle into his office and started to talk about changes, and right when he said the word changes i knew exactly what he was going to say.

he said "Elder Burt, Elder Tuttle, the Lord has called you to be the new Zone Leaders for the Spain MTC." And my stomach dropped. I was so overwhelmed. So much of me wanted to just sit and ask him and say what the heck President i dont even know how to be a district leader and now you want me to be a leader for all of the mtc?! But i was too overwhelmed and just accepted the calling.

Im still incredily overwhelmed but Im trying me best to just lead in the way that The Savior would lead. Im trying to be the best example to i can and who better to emulate than the The Savior Jesus Christ? Im so happy to be a representative of My Savior and Redeemer. Theres no where else id rather be. Im so grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord.

Im about out of time which means the most stressful hour of my week is over. But Thanks to everyone for the support and know that i think about you all the time when things get tough.

Youre so important to me!

Elder Burt

Thursday, January 12, 2017

This week FLEW BY


How are things in the States?! Things are good in Spain! Except for being stressed out all the time and feeling like I cant walk at all because my feet hurt so much because of my sucky shoes that i brought for soccer. BUT other than that things are great!! 

Ive been trying to think about stuff to write about today but we all know how great i am at the whole thinking thing. 

Overall it was a pretty uneventful week, I study a lot and sleep a little. I get to play soccer everyday and thats great.

Its come to my attention that I forgot to talk about my companion last week! His name is Elder Tuttle and hes pretty great. His dad works as a US Ambassador so hes spent 12 years of his life in Spanish speaking countries. Which when i heard that i was so excited because HES GOTTA Speak Spanish. But he doesnt any better than of the other americans here.  Ive learned a lot about myself through him which is great. But its also kind of bad because theres a lot of stuff I need to work on.

 Patience is a big one. Im not sure what the deal is but it drives me nuts when we have a class or a big devotional and people are talking and joking around during the middle of a lesson when whoever is talking is trying to convey the spirit. Its so frustrating and im not sure if its because Im crazy for being annoyed by it or because people cant just pay attention when its time to focus. So im really trying to be more patient.

But i cant say much about focusing because i have the focusing abilities of Boomer. But since being here ive been a lot better at it. And im so thankful to the best parents on earth for teaching me so well thats theres a time and a place for everything. And for teaching me about the importance of respecting the people who are talking to a group of people. 

I Wish i had more time to email! I dont have nearly enough time to read everything and respond and also write this big general email! But My mom is my priority! So if i didnt get back to you im sorry and just know that i read all of the emails i got and I love you all!! and im so thankful for the support from all of you!!

This Picture is of the temple right outside our bedroom window while the sun was setting so i hope you can see it because i love it. But gmail wont let me see a preview! 

I love you all so much!

Elder Burt

Thursday, January 5, 2017

First week is DONE!!!


 So this week has been one of the greatest most spiritual weeks of my life. But its also been one of the hardest weeks of my life. I never thought i could get 8 hours of sleep every night for a week and still be tired. But i guess the Spirit is exhausting!!

Ive loved hearing from everyone! its so comforting to know that I have such great support at home!  My testimony has grown sooo much since I got here and my spanish has improved a ton. We speak only spanish everyday from 8 to 12. and it has helped so much. Whenever we teach practice lessons i can usually understand what is being said to me if they talk slower and i can answer their questions pretty ok.

I absolutely love it here! Its so amazing to be surrounded by the spirit and people who are so amazing. I must admit i worried about getting here and being the only cool kid here but its not a problem. Everyone here is so great.

So when i landed in Madrid there were like 4 other missionaries that i met and it took us like a half hour to find where our bags were and it was super stressful because none of us spoke any spanish. And then once we found our bags, the people that were there to pick us up didnt speak any english either. The first american i talked to was after we got to the MTC and were greated by tons of Spaniards in a language i could not understand. But we sat down to email real quick and i heard someone in an american accent say "Elder Burt from Boston how are you??" and i turned and saw a 6 foot tall american. I was so happy to see him. His name is President Packer. Hes so amazing. Hes as close to a dad as i have in this country. 

But after we emailed we went and played soccer. I cant even tell you how relieved i was to play soccer and not have to stress about anything. But we play soccer every day here except for sundays and its definitely a highlight that we all look forward to everyday. Except for monday when we went to play and we got to the cage where we play a lot and tons of people came flooding in yelling all kinds of words i didnt understand. But of course once they found out we all speak english, they all had to yell everey english swear word they know. 

But everyother time has been great. I especially love playing with the Brazilliian elders that are here because they are so good and so fast with their feet.

Every saturday we go to a park in one of the most popular parts of Madrid and Proselyte. I was so nervous because everyone there speaks so fast and i didnt know hardly any spanish but it was so great!! i loved it a lot! I was paired with a brazilian companion so we could only communicate with what i knew in spanish.

But we gave out tons of Books of Mormon!!

Im about out of time. But thank you all so much for the support and for all the emails!!

Love you all!!

Elder Burt

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I'm Here!

I made it to the MTC!!!! i landed in madrid about an hour ago! im safe the flights were great but they were long and im tired as heck. and everyone keeps talking to me in spanish and i have no clue whats going on but its great i promise!!

I am supposed to tell you that i wont be emailing again until January 5th because thats when the next P day is.


Elder Burt

Monday, December 26, 2016

Set Apart

Brandon was set apart to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

We are fortunate to live only a few minutes from our Stake President, 
President Cox so we were able to go to his house for the setting apart.

Friday, November 25, 2016


We went to the Boston Temple today for Brandon to take out his endowments.

Only a month left until he leaves for Spain.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mission Call

Brandon's call has arrived!

Madrid Spain Mission
Reporting December 28, 2016